In the late summer/early fall of this year a group of people stepped forward for a new experiment. These were people feeling a call to provide pastoral care to others, to visit, pray, encourage and support people. After an introductory meeting, and an initial 10 hours of training, we now have an active Care Team.
The Care Team's mission is to provide a ministry of lay Christian caring. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation, 4 who consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which we ourselves are consoled by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3–4 NRSV) The ministry is designed to provide one-on-one supportive care for persons going through a crisis, the homebound, those healing from injury or illness, and to maintain relationships within the congregation.
How does it work?
The Care Team works in cooperation with the pastor. As different pastoral care needs arise, the pastor calls on different members of the Care Team. For instance, the pastor would call on a Care Team member to visit in the hospital when he cannot be there. Or if someone endures a life-changing event, or an intense period of stress, after consulting with that person, the pastor would send a member of the Care Team to meet regularly with that person and to walk with them through the crisis.
What can I expect from a Care Team member?
A Care Team member will
· meet with you at a mutually convenient time and place
· hold all conversations in confidence
· pray with and for you
· listen carefully
· help you reflect
· walk with you in difficult times
· talk with you one-on-one
A Care Team member will NOT:
· have all the answers
· betray your confidence
· diagnose you
· provide therapy
· talk you into anything
· work on your personal chores or tasks
· meet with couples or families
I think I might like to meet with a Care Team member. What do I do?
If you're interested in visiting with a member of the Care Team for any reason, get in touch with the pastor. He can answer any questions about the program, listen to your needs, then pair you with the best match from the Care Team.
The Care Team members are: Allison Bickett, Margeri Brown, Nancy Crosby, Norma Dowless, Martha Ann Harris, Jean Hunter, Susan Johnson, Ruth Mauldin, Shawn Penny, and Pat Smathers.
Please keep the Care Team in your prayers. Welcome them if they visit you in the hospital. And if you think someone else might benefit from the Care Team, have them call the pastor.