Starting on Sunday, 1/20/2013, I will be preaching a series of sermons from 1 Corinthians 12. This chapter is a well-known passage about spiritual gifts. I thought you might like access to a few online surveys that can help you discern what your gifts you have been given. I hope these surveys are fun for you. Perhaps they will spark some reflection. Perhaps they will spark some action. Let me know your thoughts.
Remember that none of these surveys are scientific. In the end spiritual gifts are measured by their fruit and not by anything a survey can tell you. Feel free to argue with the results. But do pray about your gifts, how you might discern them, employ them, and derive meaning and joy from them.
This link takes you to a page on the United Methodist Church web site. This link has good supporting information and links about spiritual gifts. But, I must confess that it is my least favorite survey instrument of the ones that I have listed.
This survey contains 85 questions and thus gives one a fair starting place to think about what one's gifts might be. When I finished the process, the instrument returned my top three gifts along with explanations of the gifts.
This link comes from our Lutheran brothers and sisters. One can access a printable version that contains brief explanations of the various gifts. I like how the results of this one are displayed. The survey gives a chart with your scores in all the gifts so you can see how they score relative to one another.