Thanks for checking out the new web site. We created it to address multiple ideas. One aspect of the old site was that contributing to the site was cumbersome. This site will make it easier for staff and other contributors to edit content and tailor their pages to what is currently happening.
Another reason for the change is current thinking about how web sites function for churches. Typically a web site is a church's front door. People who might visit us generally check the web site before they step foot on the property. So I hope you will find that our site is geared toward guests and not members.
We're trying to keep the site relatively simple. Due to gearing the site towards visitors, we're not trying to provide complete information. Do more than six people really want to know that the study group for changing bathroom fixtures is meeting on Thursday? Hundreds of buttons and switches and options on a site may be good for CNN, but it can be overwhelming and confusing for someone who just wants to know a little about who we are.
Hopefully this site will always be a work in progress. Let me now proclaim that the site is now and ever shall be imperfect. Nonetheless, the staff is excited about the possibilities it holds, the issues it addresses, and the conversations it can start. Check back often. Give us your feedback whether you are a guest or a member, and keep St. Andrew's UMC in your prayers.